viernes, 28 de junio de 2013


He is gone. Is the only thing I can think in this moment. He was always by my side, supporting me.
He was happy when I was happy, he was sad when I was sad, he was angry when I was angry. He was the only one who protected me when I needed more.
And now he is gone.
I can't walk aronund some streets or buildings because everything reminds me to him.
I can't listen some songs because it hurts som much and the same thing happens with the books he gave to me, with my favourites books.
He was everything to me, I was eveerything to him, and now HE'S FUCKING GONE.
I don't really want to feel in this way, but if I stop feeling in this way there will be nothing left. But this feeling of emptiness, loneliness is killing me, is killing me because without him I am lost.
I don't know what to do, where to go, how to live.
Now everything is black to me, and I know one day I should feel better, maybe I will fall in love again, or maybe not who knows and who cares about that right now, because I don't care about the future, I care about the present and right now he is no
t here. There is no brightside here.
I will try to be better soon becuase if he's looking at me from somewhere he would not want me to feel like this.
I hope it is true we live more than a live. I want to find him again.
I can't think I will never see him again, the only thing I can think is that he's gone and he's not coming back.